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Napier Art Deco Festival

The town of Napier in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, population around 62,000, enjoys abundant sunshine and prosperity. But in 1931 it wasn't such a happy place when it was struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Two hundred and fifty people died and many more were seriously injured. Most of the town was destroyed. Although the 1930s was a time of depression and unemployment for many, it was decided to rebuild in the then popular Art Deco style.

Every year in February, the re-birth of Napier as one of the world's great Art Deco towns, is celebrated with a vibrant festival. The motorcade is eagerly anticipated, some of the world's most lavish and expensive cars from that era, are paraded through the streets. Many are shipped over from abroad for the occasion. My photographs are from two recent Art Deco festivals.

The first three images are Press photos from the time of the earthquake. Click a thumbnail to start.

Copyright Barrie MacJannette

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